How to Play

Getting Started

1 - Setup

Set up the board and game pieces according to the number
of players. Threaten is most competitive and enjoyable as a THREE PLAYER GAME. Two and Four player variants exist
when the numbers aren’t right for three.

The 2-sided reversible color triangles allow you to build multiple board styles to fit your taste. Orbs are for Ancient decoration.

3 Player Setup

2 - Objective

To be the player with the last standing Obelisk on the board. That player is the winner.

3 - gameplay

  1. Each player controls an army of thirteen same-colored pieces.
  2. The player who traveled the farthest to play the game moves first. (The next game begins with the first player eliminated in the previous game.)
  3. A player moves one of their own pieces, in one direction, in one path of travel each turn.
  4. Players take turns in clockwise order.
Close Up Of Individual Player Section

4 - a player's turn

A player will move one of their own pieces each turn. The player can move to an unblocked open space or move to capture an opponent’s piece.

To capture, a player moves their piece into the space occupied by an opponent’s piece and removes the opposing piece from the board.

The turn ends when a player has made a valid move and removes their fingers from the moved piece.

5 - gameflow

Players will be taking turns moving to open spaces and moving to capture pieces. You’ll be playing offense, defense, setting up future moves and responding to moves by your opponents. As the game progresses, the board will open up, enabling longer distance moves. You’ll be treated as both friend and foe in a matter of minutes. Be ready to adapt. Be ready to Threaten. Your very survival depends on it.

6 - player elimination and end game

A player can be eliminated in two ways.

  1. A player is eliminated from the game when their Obelisk is captured.
  2. A player can also be eliminated if all their pieces have been captured and their Obelisk is the only piece that remains. The Obelisk then falls and is removed from the board.
  3. When a player is eliminated, their remaining pieces now belong to the conquering player to be used as their own. That player still only has one turn, and the acquired columns, (if any) move in relation to their original corner point.

The game ends when there is one last standing Obelisk on the board. That player is the winner.

Paths of Travel

There are five different player pieces in Threaten: The Column, Triga, Arcus, Ancient and Obelisk. Piece movement is different for each piece. However they all utilize certain Paths of Travel on the board. Some pieces use one Path of Travel, others may use more than one to move/capture.

Lines are rows of same colored spaces, dark or light. A piece on a light line moves from light space to light space to light space, etc.
A piece on a dark line moves from dark space to dark space to dark space, etc.
Lanes are rows of dark and light spaces combined. A piece moving to an open space, or moving to capture in a lane moves in zig-zag fashion, from light space to dark space to light space to dark space, etc.
Any zig-zag movement is considered moving within the lane. Movement in a horizontal lane in relation to your own Corner Point is considered lateral movement.
Diamond lane
Diamond lane

Diamonds are rows of diamond shaped dark and light spaces. A piece moving or capturing in a diamond lane moves from light space to dark space to light space to dark space, etc, with the diamond pattern.

Note – Multiple lines, lanes and/or diamond lanes can exist for a piece according to how it can move and capture.
You will usually have multiple directions to move and capture from where your piece is located on the board.

Learn It Quick

Piece Descriptions

Moves in lanes, one forward or lateral space at a time. Captures in lines, one forward or lateral space at a time. Note — Cannot move backwards toward its corner point. Can be upgraded.
Expendable, slow-moving foot infantry define the Columns. They are the front lines of battle, expecting death and willing to sacrifice for the greater good. You begin with five of them. With limited offensive ability, they are not powerful, but can make meaningful captures. Glory awaits them if they can survive and advance across the battlefield to be elevated to the level of the Ancient. Godspeed to all.
Moves through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, in any direction. Captures , through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, in any direction. Note — Will always stay on the same color it starts on.
Chariots of bygone times ruled the battlefield. The Triga is a three horse chariot from both the Ancient Greeks and the Roman Empire. Swift, powerful attacks and the ability to cover great distance characterize this piece. You have four of them. Two on light spaces and two on dark spaces. Be bold.
Moves by jumping along lanes over a single piece in any direction and lands in any space between the jumped piece and the next piece. Captures by jumping along lanes over a single piece in any direction and captures the next piece after it. Note — Cannot capture or jump over any other Arcus. One jump per turn.
Catapults and archers of past warfare are reflected in this piece as it needs to jump and be air bound in order to move and capture. With two Arcus, you have a pair of potent pieces that can serve many functions. Long distance attacks, the ability to block moves and at times paralyze your opponent’s pieces. Beyond valuable late in the game. Be wise with them.
the ancient
Moves through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, lanes, or diamonds in any direction. Captures through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, lanes or diamonds, in any direction. Must capture the first piece in its path.
With stark lines and a strong visual presence, the Ancient is the most powerful and dynamic piece in Threaten. With the ability to move and capture in multiple ways, the Ancient can force an opponent to defend quickly and unexpectedly. Although somewhat limited early on, an open field later in the game creates opportunities for surprise moves and stunning losses. Its arrogance and hubris can be its downfall as well, as what you don’t see can be your end. Careful omnipotence should be your guiding theme.
the obelisk
Moves in lanes, one space at a time, in any direction. Captures in lines, one space at a time, in any direction. NoteIf you lose this piece, you are out of the game. If you capture this piece, you gain control of the remainder of that color’s army.
This piece represents your very existence and the foundation of your culture. Protect this piece at all costs. With it, everything is in order. Without it, everything crumbles. Its limited abilities should prevent you from going on the offensive with this piece, but it can capture when necessary. Take down an opponent’s Obelisk to gain the following and loyalty of their remaining pieces to use as your own. Lose yours and you are eliminated.

Corner Points

All five of your Columns begin in a Horizontal Lane in relation to your own Corner Point. Once they move forward to the next horizontal lane, they can never return to the horizontal lane they just left.

They are allowed to move laterally in the horizontal lane they are in, even though it may seem they are moving backwards here, they are not.

Column Upgrade Mechanic

If a Column of yours can move to a space in the horizontal lane farthest away from your Corner Point it can be upgraded to the Ancient. The upgrades occur in this order:

1. Your own Ancient if previously captured.
2. The Extra Ancient if available.
3. Any other previous piece of yours that has been captured.

This is usually a late game event so be aware of it. The upgrade occurs
only once for any given Column.

Two Player Variant

Go head-to-head in a tactical, two player game of Threaten.

Setup — The two player setup utilizes the connector board, between two regular triangle boards.

Gameplay Changes — The two player variant has no gameplay changes. The only difference is in the column upgrade, which occurs when the Column reaches the opposing players lane which holds their original Columns.

Four Player Variant

Embrace the chaos of multiple opponents through the four player variant.

Setup — The four player variant utilizes two triangular boards as the center, with a player piece extending from each side of that base.

Gameplay Notes — The column upgrade mechanic occurs in the same lane it would in a 3 player game.