
A Piece Moving, Piece Capturing game
Coming soon to Kickstarter!

Strategize, adapt and conquer the field in this tense and exciting strategy game by Daniel R. School. You and your opponents each control 13-member armies, with pieces having different abilities, numbers and purpose.

Friends become foes as you race to attack, defend and intimidate in the ultimate pursuit of each other’s rival Obelisks.

Be ready to adapt. Be ready to Threaten. Your very survival depends on it.

Threaten or Be Threatened

40 - 60 minutes
ages 10+
2 | 3 | 4 players

What's in the box

6 Double Sided
Game Boards

1 Two-Player
Connector Board

4 Thirteen Piece Army Sets
1 Extra Ancient

7 Ancient Orbs

Set of Player Cards

1 Set of Directions

Stay Tuned For Upcoming Threaten Events

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