The Pieces
Piece Descriptions
Moves in lanes, one forward or lateral space at a time.
Captures in lines, one forward or lateral space at a time.
Note — Cannot move backwards toward its corner point. Can be upgraded.
Expendable, slow-moving foot infantry define the Columns. They are the front lines of battle, expecting death and willing to sacrifice for the greater good. You begin with five of them. With limited offensive ability, they are not powerful, but can make meaningful captures. Glory awaits them if they can survive and advance across the battlefield to be elevated to the level of the Ancient. Godspeed to all.
Moves through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, in any direction.
, through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, in any direction.
Note — Will always stay on the same color it starts on.
Chariots of bygone times ruled the battlefield. The Triga is a three horse chariot from both the Ancient Greeks and the Roman Empire. Swift, powerful attacks and the ability to cover great distance characterize this piece. You have four of them. Two on light spaces and two on dark spaces. Be bold.
Moves by jumping along lanes over a single piece in any direction and lands in any space between the jumped piece and the next piece.
by jumping along lanes over a single piece in any direction and captures the next piece after it.
Note — Cannot capture or jump over any other Arcus. One jump per turn.
Catapults and archers of past warfare are reflected in this piece as it needs to jump and be air bound in order to move and capture. With two Arcus, you have a pair of potent pieces that can serve many functions. Long distance attacks, the ability to block moves and at times paralyze your opponent’s pieces. Beyond valuable late in the game. Be wise with them.
the ancient
Moves through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, lanes, or diamonds in any direction.
through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, lanes or diamonds, in any direction. Must capture the first piece in its path.
With stark lines and a strong visual presence, the Ancient is the most powerful and dynamic piece in Threaten. With the ability to move and capture in multiple ways, the Ancient can force an opponent to defend quickly and unexpectedly. Although somewhat limited early on, an open field later in the game creates opportunities for surprise moves and stunning losses. Its arrogance and hubris can be its downfall as well, as what you don’t see can be your end. Careful omnipotence should be your guiding theme.
the obelisk
Moves in lanes, one space at a time, in any direction.
in lines, one space at a time, in any direction.
Note — If you lose this piece, you are out of the game. If you capture this piece, you gain control of the remainder of that color’s army.
This piece represents your very existence and the foundation of your culture. Protect this piece at all costs. With it, everything is in order. Without it, everything crumbles. Its limited abilities should prevent you from going on the offensive with this piece, but it can capture when necessary. Take down an opponent’s Obelisk to gain the following and loyalty of their remaining pieces to use as your own. Lose yours and you are eliminated.
Piece Descriptions
Moves in lanes, one forward or lateral space at a time.
Captures in lines, one forward or lateral space at a time.
Note — Cannot move backwards toward its corner point. Can be upgraded.
Expendable, slow-moving foot infantry define the Columns. They are the front lines of battle, expecting death and willing to sacrifice for the greater good. You begin with five of them. With limited offensive ability, they are not powerful, but can make meaningful captures. Glory awaits them if they can survive and advance across the battlefield to be elevated to the level of the Ancient. Godspeed to all.
Moves through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, in any direction.
, through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, in any direction.
Note — Will always stay on the same color it starts on.
Chariots of bygone times ruled the battlefield. The Triga is a three horse chariot from both the Ancient Greeks and the Roman Empire. Swift, powerful attacks and the ability to cover great distance characterize this piece. You have four of them. Two on light spaces and two on dark spaces. Be bold.
Moves by jumping along lanes over a single piece in any direction and lands in any space between the jumped piece and the next piece.
by jumping along lanes over a single piece in any direction and captures the next piece after it.
Note — Cannot capture or jump over any other Arcus. One jump per turn.
Catapults and archers of past warfare are reflected in this piece as it needs to jump and be air bound in order to move and capture. With two Arcus, you have a pair of potent pieces that can serve many functions. Long distance attacks, the ability to block moves and at times paralyze your opponent’s pieces. Beyond valuable late in the game. Be wise with them.
the ancient
Moves through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, lanes, or diamonds in any direction.
through any number of spaces in unblocked lines, lanes or diamonds, in any direction. Must capture the first piece in its path.
With stark lines and a strong visual presence, the Ancient is the most powerful and dynamic piece in Threaten. With the ability to move and capture in multiple ways, the Ancient can force an opponent to defend quickly and unexpectedly. Although somewhat limited early on, an open field later in the game creates opportunities for surprise moves and stunning losses. Its arrogance and hubris can be its downfall as well, as what you don’t see can be your end. Careful omnipotence should be your guiding theme.
the obelisk
Moves in lanes, one space at a time, in any direction.
in lines, one space at a time, in any direction.
Note — If you lose this piece, you are out of the game. If you capture this piece, you gain control of the remainder of that color’s army.
This piece represents your very existence and the foundation of your culture. Protect this piece at all costs. With it, everything is in order. Without it, everything crumbles. Its limited abilities should prevent you from going on the offensive with this piece, but it can capture when necessary. Take down an opponent’s Obelisk to gain the following and loyalty of their remaining pieces to use as your own. Lose yours and you are eliminated.
40 - 60 minutes
ages 10+
2 | 3 | 4 players
in the box
6 Double Sided
Game Boards
1 Two-Player
Connector Board
4 Thirteen Piece Army Sets
1 Extra Ancient
7 Ancient Orbs
Set of Player Cards
1 Set of Directions